Every day is an adventure

By SJRKG1999

Hard of earing .....

Lazy blip. Didn't get home til late, finished work and then went to visit my neighbour who's in hospital. So its dark dark dark when I get home.

Rabbits make no noise. They thump their back legs if threatened or annoyed but thats it, no meows, wheaks or barks. The pets I've had over the years, guinea pigs, cats and dogs were all quite vocal, when hungry or looking for attention but not rabbits.

Rabbits are limited in their ability to communicate vocally but speak volumes with their ears.

Lucky is very shy and timid. As a rescue you don't know what she's been through. She spends most of her time with her ears flat which says "please don't hurt me". So I love it when she does this. "You've got my full attention, I'm listening, what you got to say for yourself mama"..

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