Dear Heart

By dearheart

Cracked lips and knotted hair; bliss

Dear Heart,
The day had wound around me before I had a chance to take a proper look at it. It was already 5 o'clock and I rushed outside in a moment of claustrophobic panic. Those moments, I think, you need fresh air rushing past you and chill winds picking up the ends of your hair and running with them. And that's just what I got!
I strapped my new satchel to my back and hopped onto my poor creaking bicycle. My new white shirt bloomed outwards - I felt like one of those woodland nymphs you read about in Celtic myths. The daffodils spun out in front of me like gold and the river was mirror-like and glassy. I found the rose bushes - they remind me of the ones in Beauty and the Beast (the story, of course, not the film).
It was a faerytale afternoon.
Love, Lydia x

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