Flying bee

By flyingqueenbee

Brick wall

I didn't take any pictures until this evening, and then I couldn't really decide what picture to actually post. I wasn't sure what the point was...what MY point was...for today that is. Although, now that I think about it, I'm not really sure what the point is in general, which leads me to Donald Miller's Blog.

I read something he posted a few days back, about how we sort of "check out" when life isn't making a whole lot of sense - or we try to distract ourselves with extra conflict or more entertainment. Then he posed some questions "Is your story more interesting to you than television? Is all of life boring or is just your life boring?".

Well this is just embarrassing. My story is not interesting at all, and my life is boring because of ...ME!? Ugh. It is a lot easier to blame other factors for that...namely ANY other factors...
Also, "interesting" and "best" are not always the same thing. ie. It would be really interesting of me to... sell my left leg to get me to Timbuktu where some of the natives whittle me a peg-leg in the shape of a giraffe...which ends up costing the price of my right leg... but would that actually be best?
Let's face it, probably.
Maybe my peg-leg can be in the shape of a chicken. It would be more representative of what I am. :)

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