Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

A Random Street Shot ...

... which is quite meaningless in my view. After work, I went shopping with my mom and it got dark and I was unable to find a blip/blog entry. I took a few, I was not satisfied with but this will have to do today.

I got the following comment on my Cotton Candy Seller blog entry today by some girl I do not know:

"700 per day ==> 21k per month
reasonable for a poor man isn't it?"

To be honest, it flared me up like anything, specially the second part of the comment. Its astonishing how some people are indifferent to the suffering and injustice going on in the society. Its like turning a deaf ear towards what's actually going on ...

... or maybe I take things a bit too seriously and maybe Rs. 21k ==> $250 per month is enough for a poor man to take care of a family consisting or four daughters in a country like Pakistan, where inflation has played havoc and the whole society is in a state of mess ... maybe!!

I replied to the thread, giving this lady a piece of my mind, but as I am new to blogger.com, I have no clue if my rantings got to her or not.

Atleast, I got it all out of my system :)

Im hoping tomorrow is a better day for me as far as photography is concerned. Its a local holiday (Pakistan's day to be exact)

P.S. This vendor is selling various snacks, two of them which I spotted are: gol guppa/panipuri and Dahi Bhalla. I will take a better picture of such vendors during the day and will also add details. Today, I could not find a good catch and after taking this shot, I did not have the stamina to go talk to this guy

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