Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Devil's Bridge

Devil's Bridge

"There are numerous legends surrounding Kirkby Lonsdale's Devil's Bridge - ask any local and they'll tell you their version. The most popular tells that the Devil appeared to an old woman, promising to build a bridge in exchange for the first soul to cross over it. When the bridge was finished the woman threw bread over the bridge and her dog chased after it, thereby outwitting the Devil. Several large stones in the surrounding area, including the Great Stone of Fourstones, are ascribed to the Devil's purse-strings bursting open as he ferried masonry to build it."

Had a nice "Sunday drive" on a Tuesday. Started off fairly grey but the day improved and, by the afternoon, it was lovely. Had a picnic and a good blipping session around Kirkby Lonsdale...which is packed with history. Well worth a visit.

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