No time to waste?

By jt

Not exactly Vincent

I considered a shot of our river view - that one can wait, will make a good emergency blip if there's a nice sky - though can't wait too long, it pretty much disappears when the trees are in leaf!

So this is from the lovely wee flower shop on the Perth Road, 5 minutes down the road. I've been meaning to shoot them for a while, and today the light was pretty much perfect. Cropped it down, and I like the one turning away from me so left it off-centre! The colours are so striking - the price per head is a bit steep too, especially as these are probably force-grown under fake conditions in the Netherlands and won't last too long when purchased!

But I need a bit of colour today - marking more essays, and these ones are terrible.... Plus two plagiarism cases! Grrr....

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