
By Viewpoint

Evening light

I was slightly earlier home tonight and the evening light was absolutely stunning. I began photographing in the garden and then had a short walk up the road. I've ended up with one or two quite interesting silhouettes of trees against the sunset but in the end I decided I'd blip these willow catkins which I felt were the winners by a short head.

Worked at home this morning and then lunch in the garden in gloriously warm sunshine. (I might even be tempted by a NZ Yay!!! at this point.)

Then into work to finish off for the course and to collect suitcase with course materials. Day off tomorrow which I'm hoping to spend in the allottment.

Tired now and going to read in bed. I'll try and get round to commenting in the morning. It will be so good to wake up and not to have to think about what I have to prepare next for the course.


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