Qu'est-ce que je fais ?

By waitingforgodot


I had a rather restless night of sleep last night and got up rather early, then went back to bed for another couple of hours of sleep. I had to take photographs this afternoon at a Masters class being taught by Dianne Reeves, so perhaps I had some kind of subconscious jitters.


The job was assigned rather last minute as I received a call on Thursday afternoon asking if I were available. At the time, I wrote the details down on a piece of paper, then added them to my Google calendar so that I'd receive a reminder a day in advance, and so that it would be staring me in the face first thing this morning.

The shoot was scheduled for 1:00 (arrival at 12:45) and I had planned to begin getting ready at 11:30 so that I could make my way there with plenty of time. When I double-checked the calendar, however, at 11:30, I had not actually included the start time ~ only my planned "get ready" time of 11:30. All of a sudden, I went into a state of panic, fearing that I was supposed to be there by 11:45 not 12:45, the time I had mentally etched into memory.

I couldn't find my handwritten notes initially, so I made a hurried call to the woman who had hired me, but had to leave a message ~ imagine all those recordings you've heard to 9-1-1 operators (or 9-9-9 in the UK). THAT's what I sounded like!

Soon thereafter, I found my notes with the time I'd recalled (1:00) and got on my way. Ms. Reeves was late getting to the class, so I had a little bit of time to get my gear prepared and to mentally get ready to shoot. I have yet to look at the shots, but I've no doubt they're fine.

As for my 100th blip, I looked high and low and low and high for 100s on my way back from the gig. I found a few but the shots weren't particularly inspired. But lo and behold, upon walking in the door, I spotted an envelope of a letter I'd received a week or so ago, with the local city seal which celebrates the city's bicentennial.

Voilà !

Off now to show off my lovely red balloon! Heh-heh!

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