Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor


Today is two full years of blips since we started my journal. Two years ago to the day was actually 20th March, but we've had two gaps in that two years. Funny how Mum and Dad had no real clue about what I would be like two years down the line! And one of the most distinctive things about me, so far as Mum and Dad are concerned, is my love of music.

Here's a video of me singing Puff the Magic Dragon!

It's my Papa's birthday today. I told Mum this morning, "Papa needs a cake!". Mum told me to speak to Gran, so I did, and me and Gran baked a cake for Papa. I gave him a card, and wrote my own name in it. Dad collected me from Gran and Papa's house, and we walked home together. I walked most of the way, but then wanted up on Dad's shoulders. Once I got up there, I didn't want to come down again!

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