
By Abbas

Kids Sit Together, Elders do not.

My niece, Mubeen, is visiting us these days with her mother and as a result my daughter, Tasneem, is having good time with her. My daughter is more than happy while playing with her. She lifts her with her tiny hands (at the moment her hands are busy with particular paste which leaves marks after washing, I do not know what it is called in English)and enjoys her each verbal and non verbal activity.

Although, my daughter is herself small enough to be listened to, but she considers herself as grown up compared to Mubeen and often dictates her with wise words.

Perhaps, same is the reason with us that we love talking and deciphering kids's language because they are small compared to us.

We need our kids around to forget our worries and to neutralize our day long stress and strain.

Sometimes both quarrel with each but like all kids they have good habit of forget and forgive which we, elders do not have, and start playing again.

Another most likable thing about kids is their unconditional love to any body who gives them attention, affection and love, regardless of age & gender.

I have observed that the kids are more inclined to their age fellows in comparison to young hosts.
They involve themselves with contemporaries because 'birds of feather always flock together' and on the other hand human birds of same feather, often, fight together even on trivial matters.

Todays' humans need to draw some lessons from kids.

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