
By trevorearthy

Day 4 in the life of the goat kids!

We brought 2 of the goat kids on to the lawn today to get this blip. As you can see they are getting stronger day by day! ( You will have noticed as well that Chloe isn't the slightest bit interested in them! )

The kids go into the warm shed if it gets cold, or if it rains...whereas the wee lambs that you saw a couple of days ago are in a big field with no shelter from the elements! ( Hence the coats! )

Chloe doesn't really chase the Oystercatchers...I had to throw a stick in that direction yesterday to get the Oystercatchers flying up into the air for my blip!

Spring is here! Although at 6.30 this morning when I got the breakfast I wondered if it was September. Lots of mist! However it had gone an hour later!

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