'That's A Big Chicken'.

I fear many things:

Heights; death (with the exception of Simon Cowell's); reverse parking in a busy street; ratatouille (I'm still scarred by my mother's attempts in the late '70s); flip flops (surely they lacerate one's webbing?); confrontation of any kind (I will start giggling nervously at any hint of an argument); Space Dust (it can break your ribs, you know); the sound of clothes hangers being rattled around in shops; The End Of All Things aka Armageddon, for it is nigh (although this is preferable to the clothes hanger rattling); cleaning out the cat's thunderbox; technology (I still think that at any minute my laptop screen will be filled with the words "It's pointless, Will, give up'); boy bands; girl bands (it's very difficult getting a band right for me); polite conversation (I never can think of anything to say to people I don't know until I panic and ask them their shoe size or what their thoughts are regarding my intended assassination of Simon Cowell); and bliplessness.

Bonus points if you can name the film that the chicken quote comes from.

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