Curly Girly

By Lacadiah

When People Run In Circles It's A Very Very Mad Wo

Today was pretty much one of the strangest days of my life by far. Started underground, got like 4 hours of sleep, took a Justice test. Tried to go to work at the Student Center, but there was an unexpected change of plans when someone decided to threaten to commit suicide and the building was evacuated. Eventually went to dinner with Sarah and then took a break from the weird day and listened to music. Had a "first" moment which I won't elaborate on and then some interesting partying with Kate. Super strange day. This song somehow describes the day, I apologize for the pessimism it suggests, mostly it's more of the surreal feeling the day had which reminded me of the experience that is watching Donnie Darko:
All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Mad world

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