Family 6

By meganrose

Cakes and Castles

The cake man was there today. Hoorah. Ths sun shone. hoorah. We met Becca and discussed baby names. Hoorah. I got offered a conditional job with the Census. Hoorah.

Still aggitatated though. Lots has happened lately which has made me question things. Happy but thoughtful maybe the best way to desribe it.

Fantastic day in the sun though and some bargain flip flops to be had at Monsoon. £2.40 - for mine and a pair for Becca (She'll thank me when her feet swell and her tummy is too large to negogiate.) and £2,00 for Farrah's, Well, it would have bben rude not to.


Ps - After her initial reluctance to pose for Blip las time, Becca was much happir this time. Apparently she liked what you all had to say about her....

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