As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

Wood Anemone

This morning I decided that I didn't want to be at work so took the afternoon off. Afte an hour or so of pottering around town I headed back home ready to start some work on the garden. I've a shrub that needs to go and the easiest way for me is to whittle it down a bit until I can at least see the main stems to give them the chop. I couldn't finish it as my brown bin is full (thanks to it not being emptied the other week) and I now have three big green bags full of debris.

Hey ho - at least progress of sorts has been made and maybe by the end of the weekend I'll have a big gap in the border ready to fill.

I did at least bring some goodies inside to photograph whilst the flowers were open - just natural light by the window. Shame about the shadow bottom left but it's ok - they don't need to be masterpieces!

Next an online photo challenge to judge and hopefully something to watch on the box at 9pm - NCIS I think.....

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