
By monochrome

Feeling a bit better

The wee man is feeling a bit better today, and was able to go to nursery today. To be fair, the only reason he didn't go yesterday was that he was shattered from not sleeping to well the night before, however he slept relatively well last night and was a bit brighter and cheerier this morning.

He might still have a bit of a sore throat (from all the coughing) as he refused his breakfast this morning, however when we picked him up from nursery they said he ate all his lunch and had generally had quite a good day, despite only napping for 45 minutes.

When we got home, he was clawing at the door to go back out, so I took him out into the back garden to play with his ball. He had a good run around, which obviously helped him work up his appetite, as he went on to wolf down most of his dinner.

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