
By Mimthing

Posting white feathers...

It just feels wrong.

In my defence there are more than three in the envelope and they have been requested by fellow blipper Dotty.......guess you'll have to watch her page to find out what her plans are.

The text asking for these came a couple of days ago, the geese aren't in moult at the moment, so no feathers in the shed or on the field right now.
Fortunately I am a hoarder of all things that *may come in useful one day* and I knew I had a bag of goose feathers kept from the bird I did at Xmas.

I have sent some odd thngs in the post over the years.
Twigs to my brother.....he moved to Orkney and said the one thing he really missed was trees, so I sent him one in kit form.
Deer hide to same brother.......he does a lot of fishing and he tells me the white hair from the rearend is good for making flies, so I sent him a hide, also sent him shiny sequened tops for same purpose.
Many years ago when I was a 'Mothers Help' living in beautiful West Sussex -just down the road from Mr Clapton- my sister and I had a game of writing blackmail-style letters to each other......spending hours going thru newspapers and magazines cutting out letters, words and pictures.
Does anyone remember the joy of opening a letter?
I loved recieving and sending letters, emails and texts just don't do the same thing do they.

Weather..........another beautiful day

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