A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

1 in 2 million

I read that 2 million people travel into zone 1 every day. Today I am one them. My main purpose is to meet a friend for lunch but along the way I seem to have given myself a mini-tour which included being at Horse Guards Parade when they were having their daily game of musical horses. Despite, or probably because, I have now lived here for so long I've never seen it before. One of those things that you do as a tourist elsewhere and forget to do at home. Hopefully one nice day this summer we will go further to rectify this as we have promised the kids a trip on an open-top tour bus.

The changing thingy took ages so I had plenty of time to experiment with camera settings so there are, hopefully, better images on my camera but we're out at our local theatre tonight and with helping out at the book fair after school and various kids' classes I'm not expecting to spend more than half an hour at home today so the pragmatic approach to blip seems sensible.

Also managed to fit in a trip to Foyles at the Southbank and picked up a couple of plays that look promising so off for a quick read in the sun before lunch. A very good day.

Lesley x

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