Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Perfect end to a perfect day!

Another beautiful sunset. I nearly drove my car straight over the middle of a roundabout on my way back from the stables I was so busy gawping at the amazng sky.

As usual been at the stables all day. Fab ride round the reservoir on Jack with Cara & Oshie who was racing Jack all the way round and tried to kick him but caught me on the ankle instead! Ouch! It didn't hurt too much. Considering I got hoofed in the back yesterday as well I am not doing too badly bruise and achyness wise! This afternoon was another long one on Lime with Max & Henry and Helen and Tara. We went round Beacon Hill and on the way home decided to go for a canter. I was in front a turned round to ask the others if they were ready only to see Helen and Tara come charging past with Helen yelling she had no choice. Lime and Henry were after her in hot pursuit and luckily we managed to pull them up before they jumped the gate at the other end of the field. What fun! Think a back protector is on my birthday list!

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