Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers

Just a perfect day

It was such a lovely day I took the opportunity of a wee hill walk - just my usual training hill - nothing too strenuous. I was quite pleased as it was significantly better than my jaunt up Conic Hill a few weeks ago and it was a bigger hill.
The weather was just stunning and I took this on my way back over the Duke's pass to Aberfoyle.
All was going well until I arrived home, got out the car and promptly got cramp in both my legs! Any on lookers must have wondered what on earth I was doing as I hobbled around in agony! Thankfully the legs seem back to normal but I know from experience that cramp could strike at any moment, particularly during the night.
Oh well definitely worth it to get the heart and lungs working and get the weigh on a downward trajectory.

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