my crazy world

By crazyworld

False alarm

Jus when I thought things were gettin back to normal an I have n back at school I have a call to go an fetch him -- bless him -- he's jus had a pretty awful week an I am turning into !

Anyhow the sun was out which was cool an I love my tree which has pink blossom on the bottom an white on the top.

Done lots of gardening while been house bound an dug out my veg that I planted last year that never actually made it to beg not sure what I did wrong but will try again this year. Want to plant some color in my garden want a quick spreading colourful plant any ideas ?

Other than that its es tea night -- Thursday night is mums night off I love it -- she made beef stir fry which tasted gorgeous but in a pan an not a frying pan. Anyhow I stayed out of the kitchen an end result tasted lovely.

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