spuriouser and spuriouser

I hadn't thought I needed a tap wrench set since I discovered what one was in the technology lab at school. A couple of months back someone mentioned that they'd bought one cheap at Lidl and a few days ago I noticed that they were due to return, albeit for a pound more than quoted. Whilst I only currently have one task for which it could definitely be useful if it can be applied successfully it would save me spending at least £18, making the £7 purchase worthwhile.

A few days ago there was a sunnyish day when I vaguely worried on the way to work that the sun might have been strong enough to lightly burn me even for the five minutes I would be directly facing it. This lunchtime I had to walk on the shady side of the street (where available) to reduce the risk of being slightly pink for the rest of the day. I knew there was something else about the impending spring and summer (apart from the general heat, midges, tourists and the attention-seekers required to activate their gawp function) which I was uneasy about. It'd be nice for just one more cold spell before the sweating season starts properly.

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