Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A visit to Newcastle

Mum and I went to Newcastle this afternoon to see the John Martin exhibition in the Laing Art Gallery. I have seen a few of his works previously, but there is something quite jaw dropping when you see so many large, apocalyptic canvases in one go. Worth seeing and also worth checking out the John Martin Heritage Festival based in Haydon Bridge this year.

This image is of three windows above the main staircase in the Laing. The Art Deco design is by J Edgar Mitchell. (Do any of my subscribers who used to live in Newcastle remember this?) This is an HDR image but I hope it is too subtle for you to notice!!

After a little shopping we went to the Tyneside Cinema to see Frankenstein, a live filming of the National Theatre production that has been a sell out in London for weeks. If you have the chance to see this you must take it. It's a play that raises all sorts of difficult moral issues and the Danny Boyle production is brilliant.

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