On the drive to Christchurch I always stop at this series of cliffs in the Wairau River valley. I just love the patterns the erosion has made and I always imagine 'the little people' popping out of the homes that just must be built here. It is so 'other world' that I'm sure it should have been used for filming Lord of the Rings. Mind you, I guess the fact that it wasn't, keeps my little people safe and the view just for us.
I have taken many photos here, but have never been happy enough with anything to blip it. This trip however, the whole 2 hours of the drive to this area, I kept wondering if it was still the same of if the earthquakes had tumbled it down. So today I made the decision that, as long as it was still there, I was going to blip it regardless of the quality of the photo. Once again I am not happy with any of my captures - I never seem to get the colours or the angle of the light right, but here it is anyway - just in case it's not there next time.
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