The Way I See It. . .

By afv

Give me break...

So after being locked into my room yesterday studying for my midterm, I decided to be human and go out today. I was craving some Gelato, thank god there's a gelateria nearby, or else, I'd have to pay 4 dollars to go over the Dumbarton bridge just to eat gelato in Palo Alto. Anyways, I brought my notes, "just in case" I was going to study..but I knew I really wasn't going to anyways. It was nice ..the weather was great. I almost forgot it was still winter in California. :) I was chatting with the old man who works there, he's italian, but he grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It was cute chatting with him in Spanish though! It was nice being out I have to study a bit more. I don't even know if I'm really ready yet! :(

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