Friday: Cars
Today has been completely dominated by cars, following the demise of ours earlier in the week. A quick summary of car activity:
- pick up car that we have borrowed from friends;
- drive to car rental place to hire car for a week;
- drive round various garages to look at cars;
- return car to friends;
- make numerous phonecalls, playing garages off against each other;
- choose car based on colour and which looks prettiest;
On another note, I had the most bizarre domestic accident yesterday, when I inhaled some hot chili oil too vigorously, and burnt my nostrils...... I spent the rest of the evening, sitting with ear cleaners, which had been soaked in soapy water, stuck up my nose! I can assure you, I have never looked better. It was a bit like this, actually....
Further to yesterday's blip, not long before Sari Kiz and C arrive for the weekend. Just long enough to board up the house and pretend we have moved hang out the welcome sign and put flowers in their room.
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