
By tigraki

Stormy Weather

Arrived last night at Ioannina (Greece) and went straight to meet my fiends at a concert where a greek rock band was playing. Great evening with some superb music and lots of dancing!

This morning I went for a late coffee at a cafe by the lake. It was quite an experience since it was really close to the lake, less than a meter from the water, but protected by glass panels from the waves. The wind was really howling and it would pick the waves and smash them against the glass panels or it would create some wild rain-like effects over the cafe!

Later in the afternoon I have signed up for some tango lessons. Six hours of great dancing with friends and an excellent instructor. A great dinner at steakhouse later, where we stayed until the place practically kicked us out since they were closing ;-) Still we managed to stop for a drink at another bar with some greek music. All in all a great day.

I am back posting this on Monday as I was truly knackered on Sunday and required all the rest I could get for the day's tango seminar.

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