Sprint & Spirit

By jerryshi734

To Skyward

I got the title by taking Robert Frost's "To Earthward" and making it opposite hehe.

Well, I'm hanging in. I feel sicker than I've felt since October. Usually I'm pretty strong in terms of immunity, but my nose has bled badly twice in the last 24 hours. I remember always getting sick in elementary school. I used to be the most fragile kid around, That was before I started playing sports though haha. Funny thing is, I actually feel the sickness less when I'm at track practice, probably because I'm so focused on the running.

The sun came back out today. That was nice. Except that, as I was eating dinner, it snowed again. It's like, the grass is green, and 15 minutes later, I look outside again and the grass is white haha. At least it's still sunny.

I got acceptance from Northwestern yesterday and Stern Business School at New York University today. Man, I feel very grateful and very blessed. The Ivies come out next week, so that'll be interesting.


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