A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

The bizarre tale of the missing sock!!

En route to do our more routine shopping today we went to Coldspring Mill to get me an extra pair of walking socks.
After Friday mornings walk, muddy jog pants and socks all went in the wash so that they would be ready for the off again on Monday. Taking advantage of the glorious weather I pegged the washing out but only one walking sock? My inner socks were there but look as I might I could not find the missing sock. I had already decided I could do with another pair but non the less it was very frustrating.

As evening fell Chris closed the garage door and there was the sock on top of the garage door!! Admittedly the washing machine is in the garage but I am still puzzled as to how it got there.

This is the path down to Coldspring Mill which I walked just a couple of weeks ago when there was a hard morning frost and not a sign of any daffodils. The sun has transformed everywhere.
I'm reading 'The Life of P'i at the moment which was given to me on World Book Day and I'm starting to think that maybe anything is possible!

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