Deja View

By dejaview

Forward Planning

Harry will be one in early May, so, naturally as it is February it is time to start planning his party!! This is not quite as mad as it seems.

The NCT group which my daughter belonged to have decided, as all 6 babies were born within a month of one another a joint party would be good. They can all invite their own individual friends and families too, so there should be LOADS of people.

A picnic is the best option and they knew the very place - Crab Wood! Of course, they all knew the place but we didn't, being the newcomers, so today was the day to go to find it.

As you can see Harry has given it the seal of approval and so did we. It is a lovely, quiet wood with glades for games and picnics and areas for walking in. So if you go down to the woods in early May, you'll never believe your eyes! Weather permitting of course.

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