All things Blipable....

By Tina

recycling Nelson!

hes very aware of recycling..
he loves to sleep on the black bin, as its nice and warm..

a day of shopping, baking (birthday Carrott cake for my lovely hubby to take into work) and trying to find a mislaid phone..

I rang Three.. the little man in india told me the phone was last used today at half 3..OMG .. ive actually lost it..
so i said cancel it block it etc etc
He then sounded all jolly and offered me the chance of a new phone and a completely new tarriff.. for just £40 a month!! £40 is ridiculous..!
i said id wait as i thought id possibly left it at work..
he did tell me the deal was a very good one (£40!!)
i then went and checked in my car... and under the passenger seat but in the back footwell.. THERE IT WAS!!
relieved isnt the word..
i dont tend to lose stuff.. im much more of a mislayer...
and im so glad i wasnt Juped into his Great offer!!
customer service or commission based selling??????

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