mystery uncle

my big bro came to visit today. He used to be a figure from myth and legend because we never saw him, I'm sure the children thought he didn't really exist. But, one day, he turned up again (cue joke about bad penny) and now we see him every now and then. Since he built our chicken shed for us he has gained hero-status with the children. Not that it stops Aïsha bossing him around all the time. She has a perfect jingoistic way of communicating with him as she refuses to speak English and just goes for the 'loud and clearly' version of talking to foreigners. Unless she really really wants his attention, of course, then she speaks English in a sweetie voice...

Today's song should be one I listen to when I'm angry. Obviously, I am such a saint and my life is so perfect I never have a need for this but should I ever be angry, I think I'd listen to this - you might need to turn it up or it'll be too faint....

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