Still Alive

By rinkkasatiainen

A windy way forward

I've hardly ever enjoyed a driving a car as I did today (except perhaps on Tuesday, but that's another story). The weather was awesome - few degrees below zero and insanely windy!

Did not stop to take a picture of the best spots - the spots where visibility was only few tens of meters, if even that. Due to wind making snow to fly across the road.

Boy that was fun.

Had excellent lunch at work - building a trusting atmosphere with fellow ScrumMasters. Discussing what we can do to do our work better. How to build more open, positive and trusting atmosphere to the teams.

It's so important to feel to be listened to. Luckily I'm with people who really do listen. And share feelings - happiness, anger, sadness and everything in between.

Been thinking to applying to a 2,5y training which would make me a proficient on a very specific area. Not saying more now.

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