Peter Piper Pics

By Bozzy

Of Gorse U can

I think spring is finally here, it was meant to be colder this weekend, it wasn't blistering but it wasn't particularly cold either. I went out without any real idea of a shot. I saw the gorse that was coming into flower and heard a couple of Bees but couldn't find them to get them in the shot.
Whilst I was taking that shot I happened to spot a trio of deer in the field of crops.
I managed to get to the hedgerow without being spotted, I made my way to the ditch and crossed that with coming up behind a tree. I got a couple of shots there, but thought it would be better to try and get a bit closer. I crawled through the wire fence and then crawled across the field. It took about 1/2 an hour with moving the camera then crawling up to it. I must have got to within approx. 150 metres when the male stood up, then they all made off.
A couple of these shots are shown HERE It was a great I could hear the woodpeckers, Jays, Buzzards and Pheasants all calling whilst crawling over the field.
A great couple of hours.

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