Capital adventures

By marchmont

Here's looking at you kid.

Quite a few things have been taken from me over the last couple of years and I definitely miss my garden and my cats, all still in France. However, I've told my neighbours I'm going to have ago at getting the back green back in shape and today was my first foray there since 'snow angels' last December.

It's not really gardening yet - give me a pair of loppers and I'm away, hacking my way through the undergrowth. In 3 hours I lopped my way down the west side of the green. As I can't get the branches out they are now piled up at the end. Are we allowed bonfires I wonder.

I had a go at 'whooshing' a la 'People twitcher' but it didn't work. More practice clearly needed.

Tomorrow it's the east side and the lilacs and gathering up the dead leaves from the 'grass'.

And a neighbour's black and white cat joined me. A bit timid but seemed quite interested in what I was doing. Almost like home really.

Edit - the cat's name is 'Jack' and he lives 4 doors down on the ground floor.

Off for a hot bath!

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