How i see life

By katieforeman

R.I.P Perry

We are sad to say today that Chris's mums dog Perry had to be put down today.

Chris's mum and dad came round as they couldn't face the house straight away and we all had fish and chips.

we will miss you nicking the choclote wrappers out of the bin, humping the cats beds, and the puppy eye look you always had.

Gonna miss ya boi, dont be scooting on them clouds just because no one is their to tell you off, Have lots of fun we will see each other again soon

Skye was down my parents today so that was a good thing as we were all crying and if Skye saw us she would have cried too, bless her heart.

miss ya my lil man We are all very sad, love ya mate lots of love forever love Mummy (Chris's mum), Daddy (Chris's dad), Chris, Katie and Skye

Sorry about the picture i had to take a photo of it from the computer screen.

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