this lovely life

By kellyrenee

Live From The Gators

So, Joe set up shop behind me at Gainesville. It is always interesting to hear the interviews, see who will be appearing on the show, kind of eaves drop on how Joe poses questions so naturally. He's good. I mean, like, really good. I admire him as a peer very much. Look up to him, if you will. He asked me on Saturday to be a two-minute guest on the show and I declined. I got super nervous! I'm a blithering idiot when put on the spot. Seriously. You don't want to hear that, and I certainly don't want to jeopardize my credibility by sounding like a raving loon. It was nice to be asked, though. :) Super nice. :)

5 things I'm grateful for:
1) So many friends, so many people willing to take a chance on me.
2) The BEST friend.
3) Check-ins from home base. Reports of good.
4) Wild numbers in a crazy world that exceed expectations. Um, yeah. Love it!
5) This breath. And the next. xo

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