Karin Kroeze photography

By Karin_HK


Pippa at my desk and behind my mac. She is working on Bingel.be. This is a online training system the school uses to help them with their teaching method at school. But most kids (and most certainly Pippa) love working on this so much they are now playfully doing extra exercises at home in language, mathematics, road safety, etc. As you can see, Pippa is pretty absorbed in it. If you make your exercises correctly you earn points and if you have enough points you can play all kinds of fun games.

Whilst she was behind the computer, the rest of us watched The boat race. When we were still living in London, we would always go down to Mortlake to watch the finish and cheer on Oxford. So despite watching the race on telly rather than live from the embankment, this year we were very happy to see both Oxford boats win comfortably.

I backblipped Thursdays entry: Growing up (some more)...

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