Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

Media Whore! (Lady GaGa)

Have been so busy working on several projects that I haven't had time to come on and blip as I had very short deadlines to work to.

This is an Image that I did from a shoot where I had to recreate "Iconic" Images and relate them to the Media. The model is called Natalie. I wanted to show some images from my major final project but unfortunately as they were Nudes I don't think I am allowed to show them on here (or flickr). But I did get 1st place so I am very happy with the results, as it means they will go to exhibition.

Now I have another 3 shoots over the next week so I guess I am being kept busy, it's all or nothing in Lelville at the moment. I will take time tomorrow to catch up and comment on blip.

Now it's an early night and some sleep. ;-) xx

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