Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

What can I say ....

Just got back from an amazing day in London on the TUC demonstration against what these criminals in Westminster are doing to this country. The media reckon there was about 250,000 people there. Hard to count, but I could go with that.

The atmosphere was fantastic: lots of noise, colourful banners - I love the traditional, old-style Union ones - some funny, some angry, some heartbreaking. The casino workers section of, I think, the TGWU (or could have been the GMW) had a beautiful banner with a roulette wheel embroidered on it and the slogan 'Don't gamble with our rights'. Brilliant.

The crowd was wonderfully diverse - old, young, able bodied and disabled, children - all supporting each other and united in their anger. The noise levels as we passed the end of Downing Street were indescribable!

The Liverpool Socialist Choir were in great voice in Trafalgar Square so I joined in with them for a couple of songs, including 'Raise Your Banners' - very appropriate.

I took over 100 photos, and really concentrated on what I was doing, which resulted in some lovely portraits. This is one of them, taken in Trafalgar Square of one of the older demonstrators whilst taking a break. Apparently he had been on the Aldermaston CND marches years ago. A veteran.

I'm exhausted. Time for supper then bed.

Can't wait to read about it in the papers tomorrow.

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