Every day I have the angel and the devil on my shoulders giving it laldy as to whether I have to blip or not. Some days are easier than others but there's only ever one winner.
One year ago (more or less....I missed two weekends very early on when my camera hadn't yet been superglued into my hand) I joined Blipfoto with the simple intention of rediscovering the love I once had for taking photos. Job done.
Little did I know, however, that it would become so much more than that. To be 'virtually' amongst like-minded people has been a real pleasure and I have learned so much from just looking at, and being inspired by, the photos of other blippers.
Thanks to you all for the encouraging comments that have helped so much in building up my confidence, and for the humour with which they are often delivered. I would never have believed that I would one day be meeting up with people I've met on the internet but that will be exactly what I shall be doing very soon and I'm actually looking forward to long as they leave their axes at home.
Thanks and congratulations to Joe, G et al at Blipcentral for a cracking good site.
I have already thanked 'er indoors in yesterday's blip. Like many other days, today she stood shaking her head as I started sticking the post-its to my face.....but she's getting used to it now.
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