Glory is fleeting

By mskitty

A moment of calm............ an otherwise hectic few days.
This was the Friday where we went out to try to explain to my Dad that he'd be going into respite care for a week. That was in response to his leaving the gas on in his house the last 2 nights which set off an alarm and meant me going out and banging on his door for ages - which he eventually responded to on the first night, but and on the 2nd night he just ignored the hammering so we had to get the door broken in.
I was due to go off on a course on Saturday so Social services managed to find him a place in Holmes Gardens for the week.
He goes in tomorrow, so today Irene and I helped him pack a bag. On the way back into town we stopped for a bite to eat in Queensferry - the weather had been exceptionally nice today (though we hadn't seen much of i) and it was a lovely evening. After our pit stop we went off to Sainsbburys to buy some bits and pieces for Dad's stay in care.
Finally got home about 9.30.
So all set for the big adventure of taking him to the home tomorrow.

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