Five things

By fivethings

The Chain

1. After a sluggish start the only thing to do was head back to bed for an almighty nap in the middle of the afternoon.

2. Watching All Quiet on the Western Front for the first time. Somehow I've managed to miss this film, despite being fairly obsessed with all things WW1 for a time a few years ago. I only saw the first hour or so and it's clunky and weirdly acted by everyone, but it wasn't long before I was totally in it. That first battle scene is stunning. It was made in 1930 and must have had the same impact as that opening scene in Private Ryan had for us. I need to see the end now.

3. An early doors Saturday evening pint (as my dad would have said) in Clockwork, led to some great blethers and set us up for a lovely Saturday night.

4. A lip-smacking fajita type dinner, squirting and oozing. Messy and brilliant.

5. This is a photo of Colin playing the chain. You start with a song and the other person has to link to another song in some way. We play using Youtube. So it went Chiqitita - Arrival - Leave the Light on for me - You can leave your hat on - Leaving Las Vegas soundtrack (come rain or come shine) - weather report - isn't it a lovely day to be caught in the rain...and then I forget. We played for hours - heading on some great musical detours. We ended with La Vieja Trova Santiguera. I love playing the Chain.

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