The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies


Ella has the pox. We were happily commenting on how light a dose she seemed to have when BAM they appeared everywhere: through her hair, all over her torso, on her feet and a particularly attractive wee bunch on her beautiful face. She is remarkably stoic in the face of such a condition though and has spent the day dressed as a pumpkin, whizzing up and down the street on her bike and shouting abuse at her brother...some things never change.

I have spent the day being very confused at the clocks changing (again). Twice a year I waste a whole day trying to figure out what the "real" time is and then shouting about how there is little enough time to get stuff done without having to figure out what the time is...even less when once a year we are deprived of an hour. Look - even now it's wrecking my evening; I was going to watch a movie at eight o'clock but it's nearly half past and I haven't even put the kids to bed yet.


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