Northern Exposure

By Northern

Over the hill

A busy weekend, full of dashing about. The clocks going forward kind of threw me today, never quite managed to catch up with it. Still there wasn't any need to so no problem.

This afternoon we went along to a fundraising quiz for the Octopush team. Had a great time. We'd spllit into two teams and pretty much covered both ends of the spectrum by one lot claiming the wooden spoon and our team romping home as winners after a recount. I hope they raised lots of funds for the team as it was great afternoon entertainment.

K and I had decided that we would cycle back from the pub the quiz was held in and it proved a great idea. The ten miles trip wasn't as far as we went last Sunday but it was a glorious evening with the wind at our backs. So when we got back onto Burray we decided to finish the ride with a climb over the highest hill. Not huge but steep and thigh burning. At least it was fun whizzing down the other side.

Managed to forget my camera. So nabbed this after I got home. That's the hill we went over in the distance. And before you laugh, remember that any hill we climb around here - we do from sea level.

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