Gnarly wonderer

By Dreem

Dear diary ...

Today I went to the 'Anne Frankhuis' with my aunt and niece, located in Amsterdam. During world war 2, the family Frank found a hide-out that would keep the family out of the hands of the Nazi's, whom were arresting Jews and transporting them to horrors beyond our imagination.

I went through the famous door that is hidden by THE bookcase. This was (for me) the best thing about the whole tour. Further more, we've been in the bedrooms of Anne, Margot (Anne's sister) and Auguste van Pels. We also visited the old living room where everyone lived in for 2 years. Auguste was a boy that belonged to another family who were hiding in the same house: the family 'van Pels'.

On the 4th of August, 1944, 5 men entered Anne's hide-out: The families were betrayed and reported. Anne died - together with her sister Margoth - in March, 1945, in the concentration camp 'Bergen-Belsen'. Anne's diary was first published in the summer of 1947. It is nowadays available in more than 50 languages.

Unfortunately, Margot's (alleged) diary(-ies) were lost. Anne made it clear in her diary (though she had multiple diaries), that she wanted her diary to be published as a book. All over the world, Anne has become famous and her book has been sold over a 20 million times.

May she, her sister, her family and all the other 6 million people whom were sacrificed, be remembered. May it be a lesson that we've learned, the hard way.

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