Small Blue Ball

By smallblueball

Bishop or Queen? Tough call.

Day 69
27 Mar 11

Today was my birthday, so we celebrated
with scrambled eggs, grilled mackerel and bagels,
washed down with cups of Earl Grey tea. Sated
I lay on the floor and listened to Ella Fitzgerald
whilst reading the Sunday papers.
In the afternoon we took the air
by cycling 16.66 miles on redways and tracks
and then lay on the floor with more cups of tea
and aching legs and tired backs.
Fitness is exhausting.
Then off to capture for posterity the childrens? event
with sausage rolls and sumo suits
and little old grandmas with tea in white tents.
And inside the hall, children learned to play chess;
the thought process of attack and defence ?
thinking two moves ahead, the hand lingers
above mistake or success, a bit like life:
the fateful push of uncertain fingers.

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