an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


What a day, what a day. Boston is still freezing (35F high) but today I saw some crocuses blooming on the walk to yoga. No blip (maybe one day soon) but put a smile on my face.

Instead, this is my blip. The building I work in has this interesting facade around the top of it - this is taken from a second floor window I opened. I just love this stuff, as it's so interesting - an odd architectural conceit. It's actually kind of ugly from the outside, but I love how it looks from the inside.

I am feeling very calm lately - maybe it's all the yoga? I have been wondering, statistically, how long it takes a person to adjust to a move. I'm realizing I have a few friends here, I love my roommates and my yoga studio and the neighborhood I live in. I don't know, I'm still not convinced I could live through another winter here (an important part of living here) but I am content.

I've been thinking about going to England in the fall - what do all my lovely English blippers think, is fall good for a visit? Who knows if these thoughts will come to anything, but it seems possible at the moment. I have a feeling I'd like it rather well - I'm actually afraid I'll get over there and want to stay...

Anyways, this is one of many things on the brain today. Having a glass of wine and about to eat Indian food with Evan. But one last thing: my lovely friend Brian introduced me to the concept of Sub Sunday today! I wanted to try to decide between two people, but I couldn't, so you get two today.

1. Trevor - Not only does he take amazing photographs, but his dog, Chloe, also makes an appearance in most of them without ever making me think "Oh no, another dog photo!" Finding Chloe is often the biggest challenge of each shot. Every time I see his blips, I long to visit Cumbria. Literally one of my favorites to check each day!

2. Jord - Beautiful photographs from Symi Island, Greece. Jord claims he's jealous of all the color in my blips, but the feeling goes both ways! Everything in his shots has amazing color and texture, and I'm amazed at his ability to capture it.

Allright. I'm out for the evening - time for Indian food!

P.S. I am excited about exchanging postcards with the several of you who were interested!

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