Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

A Shopaholic ...

... yes I can be one!!

I got up in the morning with a severe tummy ache so called in sick (which I rarely do), made lots of lemonade with sugar and salt and had it. Went back to sleep and slept the whole morning. Got up in a very grumpy mood and decided to go out for shopping ... and shopping I did, just like a shopaholic. I spent alot but after that I did feel good. Indeed, shopping is a cure for a grumpy mood.

Came back home and realized that I was starving. Maybe not eating the whole day was causing grumpiness. I had a snack and then called blipcentral for an upgradation of my blip account. Yay!! Thanks to Joe and Hilda at Blipcentral, I now have a full account. I can now give hearts to the blips I like ... FINALLY!!

A day of semi-starvation and shopping and I am now doing fine :)

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