The pleasures of long exposure...
So, cabbaging out on the couch tonight I made the executive decision not to bother going out, there's a dandelion in the front garden that would make a nice macro blip. 5 minutes later after seeing the sky I'm filling up the car and heading to Cramond. 15 minutes later I'm ankle deep in muudy sand walking over the sand on the wrong side of the Causeway.
I had started out the night taking colour shots since the sky was so nice but this was a quick one off on the way back to the car.
This is a 180s exposure with the Sigma 10-20mm lens. Fitted with a screw in ND8 filter with the p series adapter fitted onto that. In the filter holder there was a Hitech ND0.9, 0.9ND soft grad and 0.6ND soft grad. Trying this stuff last night the sky was blowing out with the single grad in, tonight with 2 the colour cast was terrible but for a B&W conversion it didn't matter a monkeys.
This is my new favourite thing, expect a lot of these in the coming weeks now I've found out how to do it.
- 5
- 1
- Nikon D90
- 100
- f/22.0
- 13mm
- 100
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